"The Russian side reiterated its support for the activity of UNESCO as a stabilizing factor in the development of international relations. Highlighted was the growing role of this organization in boosting cooperation in the world's humanitarian arena," the ministry notes in the statement.
The sides reviewed progress in the implementation of major cooperation projects between Russia and UNESCO, including one aimed at restoring the education system of the Chechen republic, the ministry's press office reports.
A lot of attention was paid to cooperation in natural sciences, specifically to the International Program on Fundamental Sciences, developed to promote fuller integration of Russia and transitional economies into the global research community and to consolidate the potentials of individual nations for scientific research and the training of researchers.
Fedotov briefed Matsuura on progress in preparations for a large international conference, UNESCO between Two Phases of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), to be held under UNESCO auspices in St. Petersburg this next May.