Most of the banks issue their credit cards to only people older than 21 years of age. To get a credit card one has to earn at least 300 dollars a month and remain more than half a year in the same job.
So far, Russian credit cards are a costly affair. The total cost of opening and annual servicing of cards Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard ranges between 20 and 50 dollars, Visa Gold and MasterCard Gold between 54 and 150 dollars.
The term of considering a credit application is, as a rule, three days plus five days for issuing a card. For a credit card three bank accounts can be opened at once in different currencies, for instance in Citybank. The bank itself fixes the credit limit. Now, most banks are ready to issue under card credits to a sum 80,000 to 90,000 rubles (3,000 to 3,200dollars). MDM-bank, Alfa-bank, Impexbank, BIN-bank are ready to give up to 10,000 dollars (300,000 rubles), Bank of Moscow up to 350,000 rubles, Citybank up to 750,000 rubles.
"The size of the borrower's income is not the only criterion for fixing the size of the credit limit", says Vladimir Golubkov, first deputy chairman of the Rosbank board. "It is calculated from all the information about the borrower mentioned in the statement".
Usually, for withdrawing the credit resources the borrower leaves to the bank two percent of the sum, sometimes five to six percent. Transferring into cash is often limited by a fixed sum (1,000 to 3,000 dollars) or a percentage of the total limit under the card.