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MOSCOW, April 23 (RIA Novosti) - Whatever their differences may be, Presidents Vladimir Putin and George W. Bush always come at mutually acceptable arrangements, Russia's President said to the Israeli television, Channel One. "President George Bush and I are not pursuing quite similar foreign policies," remarked Vladimir Putin to exemplify his point by their contrasting opinions of Iraqi developments. "We have other differences, as well-but we keep searching for points we share, and our personal contacts help us arrive at mutually acceptable solutions."

President Putin highlighted big Russian-US anti-terror efforts. "We regard the USA as not merely our partner but ally in that sphere," he said.

"We have very close stances on the Iranian nuclear program, and on Middle East settlement. I know the US President has once again spoken up in support of the Road Map implemented, and I share his opinions."

As for Russian domestic policies, that is not a field where the two countries can share stances.

"Russian domestic policies are up to us alone, same as US home policies are the United States' own affair," stressed the President.

"We take an interest in our partners' opinions, when those opinions are unbiased and well-wishing, and do not come as a tool to promote their own national interests-which is, after all, also quite understandable."

President Putin said he was looking forward to see President Bush in Moscow, May 9. "That will come as another stride to strengthen our personal ties and buttress US-Russian relations."

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