MOSCOW, April 25 (RIA Novosti) - Russian Railways plans to transport more than 680,000 metric tons of oil to China in May, the company's press release said today, citing First Vice President Khasan Zyabirov.
Yukos has requested transportation for 250,000 tons of oil in May through the Naushki border pass. LUKoil will deliver another 100,000 tons, and Rosneft 300,000 tons, through the Zabaikalsk border pass. In addition, Sibneft plans to transport 30,016 tons of oil through the Kombinatskaya railroad station.
For the first quarter of 2005, oil deliveries to China by rail totaled 2,061,000 tons, including 741,000 tons in March, 680,000 tons in February, and 640,000 tons in January.
In April, the request for oil delivery to China totaled 740,000 tons.
In 2005, Russian Railways plans to deliver 10 million tons of oil to China.