An HQ has been formed under the gala organizing committee to represent the police, the army and secret services, he said to a news conference. Kozhin hopes the action it has blueprinted will suffice. "I don't think anything will darken the red-letter day," he remarked.
The guard will be especially heavy in airports and their vicinity, along VIP motorcade routes, and in the places where World War II veterans will gather.
It baffles imagination to expect anyone plotting crimes for the sacred memory day, said the Kremlin functionary.
He made a significant reference to Chechen WWII fighters. They were valiant soldiers at every front, and many won martial awards.
Moscow police will get reinforcement from other parts of Russia, plus Interior troops. Some have arrived even by now, said Vladimir Pronin, city chief of police.
Restrictions will mainly concern traffic. As for pedestrian access to the city center, limitations will be negligible.
Policemen's nerves will surely be on edge these busy days, but they have been strictly ordered to be polite to the public, he added.