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MOSCOW, April 29 (RIA Novosti) - The 13th international veterinarian congress finished in Moscow today. It came as proof of Russia's spectacular veterinary achievements. Whatever some may say of it lagging behind, this country even leads the world in certain fields, says the Moscow-based daily Izvestia.

Many aliens bring their pets to Moscow for unprecedented heart surgery and certain other sophisticated treatment, in which no one is on a par with Russians, says Sergei Mendoza, Veterinarian Surgical Society President.

There was no such medical branch as animal heart surgery a mere seven years ago. Several years ago, you could count on the fingers of one hand Russian veterinarians who could diagnose a heart disorder and appoint treatment. Now, Russian doctors implant heart pacemakers, eradicate pericardial tumors, and perform other complicated operations.

Thus, Sergei Bondarenko earned the highly sought Gold Scalpel award for unprecedented surgery of the Wolff-Parkinson-White heart pre-excitation syndrome.

Another Gold Scalpel went to Dr. Dmitri Vasilyev. Employed with the Moscow zoo, he specializes in reptile disorders-an extremely rare medical field. He has barely fifty colleagues the world over.

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