Thus, the section "In Moscow" offers weather forecasts, general information about the local climate, basic things there are to know about all Moscow airports, a detailed map of each, city and its metro maps, essential telephone numbers, and addresses of all embassies.
The section also contains references to the sites of city theaters, museums, entertainments and stores-in particular, maps of the 1st and 2nd stories of the Central Department Store, or GUM. Moscow has no trading area closer to the gala sites.
The site is expected soon to offer intricacies of frontier and customs formalities for newsmen who flock to Moscow for May 8-10 events coverage.
Meanwhile, the site includes a list of journalists the Organizing Committee has accredited, plus PDF references for them.
A total of 814 reporters of Russian-based media outlets and 897 of international ones have been accredited for today. A newsmen pool will also arrive with the leader of every overseas delegation. The Japanese one appears the largest for now, with 85. The Tajik one is the smallest, with one journalist.
Media people are coming to Moscow by regular flights. From May 7 into 10, they will have free buses, which go, once an hour, from airports to Hotel Rossia and back. Pool journalists will be offered International Press Center buses to take them to gala sites, May 8 into 10.
Approximately 150 volunteers from among Moscow college and university students will assist visiting journalists in and outside the press center. All helpers have sufficient command of foreign languages, and will be willing to help and answer whatever questions, reassures the web site.