MOSCOW, May 4 (RIA Novosti) - A paramilitary has been detained in Chechnya. A search in his home revealed a stock of police car number plates, reports the North Caucasian regional anti-terror HQ.
The man, aged fifty, belonged to a gang led by warlord Issa Muskiev. He was seized in Argun, fifty kilometers east of Grozny, Chechen capital, on a search for a suicide terrorist crew.
A cachet in the detainee's home contained a large stock of counterfeit car number plates, among them four sets of blue plates, on the pattern of what the federal Interior Ministry is issuing Russian police cars.
Equipped with forged identity papers and car certificates and number plates, the gang safely committed many terror acts in Russia and easily escaped every time, said our informant, an anti-terror HQ officer.