"We adhere to the fundamental common position that it is inadmissible for non-nuclear states to acquire the possibility of producing nuclear weapons, which, of course, must not mean a ban on the development of peaceful nuclear technologies in accordance with international regimes," the source said, indirectly indicating that Moscow's position on Iran's nuclear programs remains unchanged.
The source said that Moscow expects that in pursuit of the understandings reached at the last summit of the Russian and U.S. presidents in the Slovak capital Bratislava the sides would continue to expand the Russian-American partnership.
"The idea is to examine the implementation of tasks set, bearing in mind the creation of such a margin of safety in Russian-American relations that would guarantee their ability to reliably withstand the test of time and loads imposed by short-term political considerations," the source said.
He recalled that ahead of their Moscow meeting the Russian and U.S. presidents had issued a joint statement in honor of the 60th anniversary of the meeting of Soviet and American troops on the Elbe River in Germany.
"The handshake which soldiers of our armies exchanged in the victorious year 1945 is deeply symbolical and has special significance today as evidence of the continuity of the allied relations of Russia and the U.S., which are jointly countering international terrorism and other global challenges and threats," the source said.
It is believed in the Kremlin that the efforts to harmonize the positions of Russia and the U.S. on Russia joining the WTO will require an additional impulse at the highest level.
"In Bratislava the presidents agreed that the aim is for Russia to joint the WTO this year," the source recalled.
"The positions are being actively and mutually agreed, but there is still a great deal to be done. Evidently an additional impulse will be required at the top level to keep to schedule," the agency's source indicated.
The Kremlin spokesman again said that Moscow did not accept demands going beyond standard WTO rules.
"We will join the organization on terms not infringing on our legitimate interests," the source emphasized.