The organization Hizb-ut-Tahrir al-Islami is prohibited on Russian territory by the decision of the Supreme Court of February 14, 2004. This organization has been recently active in Uzbekistan's Fergana valley where Andizhan is located.
According to Tatarchuk, there are foreigners among the detainees. Topographic maps, maps of oil and gas pipelines, elements of explosive devices, leaflets with extremist appeals, were confiscated in the course of the inspections.
Other Islamic extremist organizations are trying to set up religious and political structures, promote orthodox religious trends, including Wahhabism, which permit to use terror to achieve goals, Tatarchuk said.
The Jamaat Wahhabite religious organization was neutralized in the Ulyanovsk region. The Mordovian law enforcement bodies detained Wahhabite preachers and expelled them from Russia. The Saf Islam newspaper, which provoked national and religious discord was prohibited in Udmurtia.