The rating of dangers also includes possible terrorist attacks on strategic facilities (nuclear power plants, water reservoirs, life-support systems, etc.; 67%), ecological catastrophes (59%), decline of culture, science and education (59%), extinction of the Russian population caused by low birth rates (58%) and settlement of representatives of other nationalities in Russia (58%).
The exhaustion of reserves of oil and gas and other natural resources (47%), a split in the highest ranks before the presidential elections in 2008 (46%), the loss of border territories (the Kaliningrad region, the Maritime territory, etc.; 42%) are considered real threats.
Epidemics (37%), Russia's split into several independent states (34%), a revolution in Russia similar to those in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan (27%), a civil war (27%), military conflicts with closest neighbors (Ukraine, Georgia and the Baltic states; 26%), a coup backed by western special services (22%) and a war with southern or southeastern countries are less possible or arguable.
Power takeover by Nazis (11%), a space threat (comets, meteorites, etc.; 15%), a war with western countries (17%) and the loss of Russia's sovereignty and western control over the country (18%) are seen as almost unreal threats.
The poll of 1,600 Russians was conducted in 100 settlements of 40 regions, territories and republics. The statistic error does not exceed 3.4%.