"There is no need yet for Roskosmos to enter the European Space Agency in the proposed format," Perminov said. "We'll draw up a further program of action organically to fit in the European space program," he added.
The question remains on the agenda, he said. "Today we are in close cooperation with Europe on many programs, such as launch vehicles (the Soyuz project on the Kourou space center, French Guiana in South America) and spacecraft. It is a very close cooperation," Perminov said.
Interaction with the ESA will be discussed in Moscow immediately before the Le Bourget international air show, he said.
The chief of Roskosmos complained about a lack of funds.
"The Russian space budget is small and actually equals that of India. Handling major space goals with such funding is hard. This is why we are in active cooperation in international projects. Our every third ruble comes from them," Perminov said.
According to Perminov, the United States is in the lead in financing national space programs. "In 2005 the United States is first with $16.2 billion. In the second place is the European Space Agency, followed by Japan and China," said the chief of the Russian Space Agency.