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MOSCOW, May 21 (RIA Novosti) - Israel's Gesher Theater will present one of its best productions on the stage of Moscow's Sovremennik theater on Saturday and Sunday in the context of the Cherry Forest Arts Festival currently under way in the Russian capital city.

A spokesperson for the festival's organizing committee told RIA Novosti that the Israel's company will perform Shosha, a play staged by Gesher's artistic director Yevgeny Arye after the novel by Yitskhek Bashyevis Zinger, a well-known American writer and Nobel Prize winner.

According to Galina Volchek, the artistic director of the Sovremennik Theater which offered its stage to the Israeli colleagues, Gesher is one of the most interesting contemporary theaters genetically linked with the Russian psychology-based theater school and universally distinguished for its spectacular artistic identity.

Yevgeny Arye is a student of the famous Russian stage director Georgy Tovstonogov. He used to work at Moscow's Mayakovsky Theater and won a number of prestigious professional awards. In the early 1990s he moved to Israel where he continued to work as a stage director. Before his visit to Moscow Yevgeny Arye addressed the Moscow audience with the following message: "My father fought from the first to the last day of World War II. Some members of my family fell victim to the Holocaust atrocities. Therefore, an invitation for the Gesher Theater to take part in the Cherry Forest Arts Festival, dedicated this year to the 60th anniversary of Victory over Nazism, struck a very personal note for me."

The Cherry Forest festival is a unique event in the world of arts. This multi-genre spectacle of arts has been annually held in Moscow over the past five years. The festival's program features theater, music, graphic arts, scenography and cinema. It is held at Moscow's top venues, including the Pushkin State Arts Museum, Chekhov Moscow Art Academic Theater, Moscow Conservatory, Sovremennik Theater, and others.

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