The Rosstat based its relevant statement on the International Monetary Fund's International Financial Statistics and the summaries national statistical services regularly place on the Internet in compliance with the IMF special data circulation standard.
According to Rosstat, Russian industrial output for 2004 exceeded the 2003 by 7.3%. Japan came next, with 5.3% for the first half-year, the USA following with 4.2%. Canada had 3.6%, Germany 2.9%, France 2.4% and the UK 0.5%. The Italian industrial output reduced by 0.4% in the third quarter-year.
Germany led the world for unemployment rates in 2004, with 11.7% of the able-bodied population. France followed with 9.6%, and Russia with 8.2%. Italy had 8%, on preliminary estimations, Canada 7.2%, the USA 5.5%, and Japan and the UK 4.7% each. The Italian percentage for last year was roughly estimated at 8%, and British 4.6% for the third quarter of 2004.
Germany had the highest unemployment rate for last March, 13.8%, France following with 10.2% and Russia, 8.1%.
Russian consumer prices had come 11.7% up by last year's end. The UK accounted for the highest inflation rate among the developed countries, 3%. U.S. consumer prices came 2.7% up, Italian 2.2%, French 2.1%, Canadian 1.8% and German 1.7%. Japan had its inflation at a zero - last year did not change consumer prices at all.
The Russian inflation for last March spectacularly exceeded that of the best-developed countries, with 1.3%, as against 0.4% in the UK, 0.3% in the USA, Italy and Japan, and 0.6% in France, Canada and Germany.
Russia outran the developed countries for the gross domestic product increase in the fourth quarter-year 2004, with 6.7%. The USA came second with 3.9%, and Canada third, with 3%. The UK followed with 2.9%, France 2.2%, Germany 1.3%, and Italy and Germany 0.8% each.