MOSCOW, May 30 (RIA Novosti) - Moscow welcomes the Israeli government's decision to set free 400 Palestinian prisoners, adopted on May 29. This move will be lead to wider confidence and political dialogue between Israel and the Palestinian national authority, the Russian foreign ministry's press and information department said. "We hope for other measures to follow so that the entire package of Palestinian-Israeli accords might be performed," the ministry said.
"What matters is positive shifts in the political process, which make it possible to pass over to the settlement of such pressing problems as the improvement of the humanitarian situation on Palestinian territories, prevention of terrorist acts and coordination of joint security measures," the Foreign Ministry said.
Moscow believes that such moves will be helpful in creating favorable conditions for the Israeli army's coordinated and quiet retreat and the evacuation of migrants from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Russian Ambassador at Large Alexander Kalugin, the foreign minister's special envoy in the Middle East, is now working to promote this settlement.