MOSCOW, July 6 (RIA Novosti) - By ratifying bilateral agreement on the destruction of chemical weapons Russia and Canada will enhance their capabilities under the Global Partnership Program against the Spread of the Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction, the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement.
The ministry said Russia and Canada had launched practical cooperation under the agreement already. Russia's three nuclear powered submarines are being dismantled at the moment and a facility to dispose chemical weapons is being built in the village of Schuchye, Western Siberia, the projects that are being implemented with Canada's help.
On Wednesday, the Federation Council, the upper house of parliament, took a decision to approve the federal law on the ratification of the agreement on cooperation with Canada in destroying chemical weapons, disposing Russia's decommissioned nuclear submarines, and in the sphere the inventory, control, and the protection of nuclear and radioactive materials. The agreement was signed on June 9, 2004. The lower house, State Duma, had ratified the document already.
The agreement lays a legal basis necessary to get Canada's free aid which will help Russia destroy chemical weapons and dispose decommissioned nuclear subs.
These are the priority areas for Russia under the Global Partnership Program being implemented by the Group of Eight most industrialized nations who are thereby trying to prevent weapons and materials of mass destruction from being acquired by terrorists and those who shelter them. Canada promised to allocate one billion Canadian dollars on the program within 10 years. After signing the agreement it reaffirmed the decision and said it would provide 300 million Canadian dollars on chemical disarmament and the same amount on the disposal of submarines as the first step.