BISHKEK, July 10 (RIA Novosti, Yulia Orlova, Natalia Belova) - The presidential elections in Kyrgyzstan have been recognized valid. As of 16:00 p.m. local time (14:00 p.m. Moscow time), over 52% of Kyrgyz electors cast their votes at the elections, the country's central electoral committee said.
Under the Kyrgyz electoral law, elections are declared valid, if 50% of electors participate in them.
The elections are taking place in a calm atmosphere. Although the elections were announced just three months ago, they have been well prepared. Some large polling stations in the capital have mother and child rooms. Electors can also visit buffets at the entrance of polling stations.
The capital of Kyrgyzstan is calm and uncrowded. In addition to Bishkek residents, journalists can be seen in the streets.
According to observes from the mission of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), there have been no serious violations at polling stations in Kyrgyzstan that can affect the elections.
But some candidates for the post of the president said there had been serious breaches. Presidential candidate and chairman of the republic's Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Akbaraly Aitikeyev said that pressure was being exerted on electors at some polling stations.