"China has tasked Russia with delivering 10 million tons of oil this year," Transportation Minister Igor Levitin said.
He said Russia is ready to meet the challenge. He also said Russia delivered only 3.7 million tons within the first six months of this year.
Levitin said the ministry fulfils all obligations concerning the transportation of oil and all other issues concerning the volume of oil deliveries should be addressed to oil companies.
He said the railroad stretch between Karymaskaya and Zabaikalsk will be completely electrically run by 2007, but until then diesel locomotives will deliver oil.
The transit of oil via Mongolia will be increased as well, Levitin said. Since Russia owns 50% of Mongolian Railways, it is ready to change the duty policy in order to raise its competitiveness level.
According to him, Russia plans to transport at least 3 million tons of oil via Mongolia in the next few years.