"We have detailed information on the involvement of foreigners in terrorist acts in Georgia," Saakashvili said. "But we do not want to use this information for confrontation. What we want is cooperation with Russia and I hope it will be maintained."
The Georgian leader expressed hope that "our partners in Russia and the Tskhinvali region (the official Georgian name for the self-proclaimed republic of South Ossetia with Tskhinvali as its capital) will cooperate with us to let everyone live a peaceful life in this region."
The Russian Embassy in Georgia earlier denied any possibility of Russian officials' or departments' involvement in any illegal activities in Georgia.
"I would like to say that we follow relevant domestic legislative acts, agreements within the CIS framework and bilateral agreements with Georgia," an embassy spokesman said.
Georgian Interior Minister Vano Merabishvili said a Russian security officer had helped form "the sabotage group" that perpetrated a terrorist attack on Gori in Central Georgia and committed other crimes.
A powerful explosion hit Gori on February 1, 2005 when a car packed with 80kg of explosives blew up near the local police station, killing 3 policemen and wounding 23 people.