"No doubt, you can influence the situation in the country. I hope and I am sure that you will," Putin said.
Putin said he was sure that the movement had brilliant prospects.
"I am absolutely sure that you can help society and the state as a whole if you avoid being overly organized and keep from following worn-out patterns," Putin said.
He focused on vital problems, particularly among youth, such as alcoholism, drug-addiction, phobias and ethnic and religious hatred.
The president also expressed his gratitude to Nashi for its proactive participation in arrangements for the 60th anniversary of VE-Day.
Putin also touched on nationalist trend in the country after being prompted by a question regarding the issue.
"This results from the negative processes of the late 1980s, the economic slump and the collapse of the USSR. Russia and every former Soviet republic thought life would improve if they isolated themselves from each other and started developing relations with foreign countries. But the effect was quite different. It was an illusion. All this fosters nationalism," he said.
Putin stressed the significance of public organizations as elements of a civil society. He said domestic public organizations' opinions and criticism were very important for the government, far more important than those from overseas.
Fifty-six activists attended the meeting in Zavidovo on their way back to Moscow from Lake Seliger, where the first All-Russian Rally of Commissars and Supporters of the Youth Democratic Anti-Fascist Movement Nashi wrapped up Monday.