Speaking at a meeting dedicated to the 13th anniversary of the peacekeeping mission in Transdnestr, Mordvintsev said that Russia acts as a guarantor and an intermediary in the Transdnestr settlement.
"Despite all problems, provocations and insinuations, we manage to maintain peace, order and stability in the region even though the situation is still extremely tense," the Russian diplomat said.
"We are willing to continue assisting the settlement process together with our colleagues from Ukraine and OSCE," Mordvintsev added.
Transdnestr is a region in Moldova on the left bank of the Dnestr River. It has a developed industry and the majority of Russian-speaking population. The conflict erupted in March 1992 after Moldova proclaimed independence. In response, the Transdnestr Supreme Council, which rejects the idea of Moldova's unification with Romania, proclaimed the Transdnestr Moldavian Republic.
The military phase of the conflict that started by the Chisinau initiative left many people, including civilians, dead.
In July 1992, Russian and Moldavian presidents signed in the presence of the Trandnestr leader an agreement on the principles of peaceful settlement of the armed conflict.