In all, 87% of the respondents said they had used the Internet recently to search for information and 77% to download files.
More than a half of the respondents (57%) said they used special programs like ICQ, and MSN and Yahoo Messenger to communicate on-line, and a third of users (36%) spent their time in chat-rooms, forums and newsrooms.
Fewer than 10% of the users said they played on-line games, made bank transactions over the Internet, kept on-line diaries, and used voice-supported on-line communication programs.
Sociologists suggest that both men and women are equally interested in on-line information and communication, but men dominate such activities as on-line gaming, file swapping and financial transactions.
According to the survey, the youngest users (aged 14-17) are more involved in on-line gaming, downloading files and chatting than other age groups. On-line users aged 18-24 also frequently visit forums and chat-rooms, although they often use special communication programs. People over the age of 35 mainly use the Internet as a source of information.
The survey was conducted in the Q1, 2005 and covered 3,650 on-line users over the age of 14.