MOSCOW, August 19 (RIA Novosti) - The pilot batch of an inactivated New Human Influenza vaccine, also referred to as Pandemic Influenza vaccine, will be released in Russia in January or February of next year, the Federal Consumer Rights Protection Service said in a posting Friday.
New Human Influenza is caused by the genetic recombination of the human flu virus and the bird flu virus.
The service cited a recent expert session on the development of an antidote to the bird flu, where it was announced that Russia's Influenza Research Institute had received the NIBRG-14 flu strain for developing a Pandemic Influenza vaccine from the British National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC).
The inactivated vaccine, which contains the human strain of the bird flu virus, will be developed in Russia using gene-reassorting techniques. The first batch is to be produced in association with the Immunopreparat company, based in the central-western Russian city of Ufa.