BEIJING, September 3 (RIA Novosti, Alexei Yefimov) - Chinese leader Hu Jintao said Saturday China would never forget those who had helped it fight Japanese aggression. "The Soviet Union was the first to give the Chinese people invaluable help during the war," Jintao said at a meeting to mark the 60th anniversary of Japan's surrender and the end of WWII.
Jintao said China was also grateful to the United States, Britain, and France for the considerable aid they had provided. Anti-nazi movement activists from Korea, Vietnam, Canada, India, New Zealand, Poland, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, as well as Japan fought on battlefronts in China, he said.
"The Red Army fought shoulder to shoulder with Chinese troops and civilians in the country's northeast in the final phase of the war and thereby helped end Japanese aggression," Jintao said.
"We will never forget foreign military experts and other people who helped China win the war, particularly the Red Army whose soldiers gave their heroic lives on the battlefields in northeastern China," Jintao said.