MOSCOW, September 10 (RIA Novosti, Andrei Malyshkin) - Military action against South Ossetia (a self-declared republic within Georgia) would be catastrophic for Georgia, Georgia's minister in charge of conflict regulation said Saturday.
Georgy Khaindrava, who is currently visiting Moscow, said "we do not intend to do this. This would be a catastrophe for us as a developing state, in need of a peaceful solution to the conflict."
Georgia now "needs investment, needs to develop its economy and get the country on its feet, so Georgians do not need any conflicts" - Georgia has strong potential for attracting tourism, and tourism and weapons do not go together, he said.
"It is therefore not at all in our interests to solve the conflict in this way. We want to develop, and to work with Russia and with all other interested countries," the minister said.