VILNIUS, October 13 (RIA Novosti, Vladimir Vodo) - Dutch authorities have notified the Lithuanian embassy that they arrested shares of Yukos' Lithuanian asset Mazeikiu Nafta, the Lithuanian government said Thursday.
Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Brazauskas arrived in The Netherlands on a visit to discuss the issue with his Dutch counterpart Jan-Peter Balkenende, who declined to comment on or influence the court's decision.
Yukos controls 53.7% of Mazeikiu Nafta and is its operator. Vilnius holds another 40.66% of the company. Lithuania plans to buy out Mazeikiu stock from Yukos and to sell it to an investor, presumably to Russia's LUKoil or to the Russian-British joint venture TNK-BP, at a price of $1 billion, though Lithuanian experts estimate its market price at $1.5-$2 billion.