BEIJING, November 9 (RIA Novosti) - The six parties involved in talks on the North Korean nuclear problem confirmed they were ready to meet their commitments, a source in the Russian delegation said Wednesday as the fifth round of talks opened in the Chinese capital.
"The parties agreed they should work on methods and rules for implementing their agreements in compliance with the joint statement [adopted during the fourth round of talks on September 19]," the source said.
The sides also said the purpose of the fifth round was to implement the joint statement based on the principle "a promise for a promise and an action for an action."
The joint statement confirmed North Korea's right to conduct peaceful nuclear research. Pyongyang, in turn, pledged to give up its nuclear weapons program and rejoin the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT).
However, after the document was adopted, North Korea said it would end its nuclear program only after the United States had built a light-water nuclear reactor in the country, citing a 1994 agreement. Construction of the light-water reactor began under the deal but was suspended when the Bush administration came to power. Washington's argument was that North Korea had not signed the NPT.