Below is a summary of the main energy-related events in Russia, the CIS and neighboring countries on December 1, 2005
* Russia's customs duties on exports of crude and refined products will be reduced by 0.17% to $179.6, starting December 1
* Russian energy giant Gazprom will continue participating in tenders for the development of deposits in Venezuela
* The head of Russian energy monopoly Unified Energy System said Moscow residents would have heating and electricity in the winter after Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov criticized his previous statement that power supply cuts would be possible in case of severe frost
* The Russian Federal Anti-Monopoly Service will soon authorize Unified Energy System to buy a stake in Silovye Mashiny
* An energy ministry official said the Russian government would approve the construction schedule for the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline by the end of 2005
* The Russian Federal Agency for Nuclear Power said it would re-enrich 450 tons of France's depleted uranium