Carla Del Ponte said at the UN Security Council that, in July 2004, the ICTY investigators told Russian partners where former Serbian police General Vlastimir Djordjevic, accused of slaying Serbian Albanians, lived in Moscow.
She said Russia claimed he was not in Moscow. The ICTY received new information on Djordjevic with evidence that he had been living in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, but Moscow again denied his presence in the country. Del Ponte said she wanted Russia to fulfill its obligations and continue to search for the criminal.
Del Ponte expressed her satisfaction that Russia turned two suspects accused of war crimes into The Hague September 13 and urged the speedy extradition of Dragan Zelenovic.
Zelenovic, whom the ICTY has accused of crimes against humanity and "violations of the laws and customs of war", was arrested August 25 in Khanty-Mansiisk in western Siberia. He had been living there for several years under the assumed name of Bronislav Petrovic.
During the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zelenovic served as deputy head of the military police and as a field commander in the municipality of Foca in the south east of the country.
According to the tribunal's indictment, Foca was taken over by the Bosnian Serb Army and paramilitary units, which conducted mass arrests of Muslim and Croatian residents, including women, who they brutally beat, tortured, raped and killed.