MOSCOW, January 15 (RIA Novosti) - Moscow is against politicizing issues between Russia and Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry's official spokesman Mikhail Kamynin said Sunday in the wake of pronouncements by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Boris Tarasyuk.
"The latest developments in Russian-Ukrainian relations have clearly shown that only constructive dialog can bring about definite results that are satisfactory to both parties," Kamynin said.
He said the politicization of issues which need to be settled by legal means, in compliance with agreements as opposed to using "lock-breaking" methods, was inconsistent with generally accepted, civilized approaches to resolving problems between states.
In an interview with Ukrainian TV's Channel 5, Tarasyuk earlier said that Ukraine's measures to repossess lighthouses used by Russia in the Crimea were legitimate. According to Tarasyuk, "Russia illegitimately held all the navigational facilities of the hydrographic service." He said Russia "had no legal grounds to say that these facilities had any connection with the Russian Black Sea Fleet."