MOSCOW, January 24 (RIA Novosti) - Russia will increase its natural gas production volume by 1.4%-1.6% year-on-year in 2006, to 644.5-646 billion cubic meters, the Industry and Energy Ministry said Tuesday.
According to the ministry's forecast, crude oil production will rise by 1.9-3% year-on-year to 479-484 million metric tons (9.6-9.7 million bbl/d). Production of oil products will grow 0.2-1%, to 207-209 million tons (4.1- 4.2 million bbl/d).
Coal production is expected to reach 300-305 million metric tons this year, up 1.7-3.4% on last year's figure.
The ministry predicts electricity production at 966-973 billion kilowatt hours - a 1.2-2.3% increase on 2005.
The ministry's figures are based on the government's socio-economic development forecast for the year, the situation on the domestic and global energy markets, and fuel and energy companies' production targets.