The five members of the Eurasian Economic Community (Eurasec), set up in 2000, agreed in January to admit Uzbekistan into the organization, which already includes Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.
"Although the process will require a lot of work to adjust national legislation (about 60 laws) to these [Eurasec] documents, Uzbekistan is willing to meet the agreed schedule without any transitional periods," the ministry said in a statement.
Uzbekistan is also planning to join member countries in establishing the Eurasec Customs Union, which envisions the introduction of unified customs tariffs and common rules for regulating foreign trade with third countries.
"We coordinated more than 60% of the tariffs by the end of 2005, and we are planning to increase this number to 75% in the near future," the statement said.
As part of its formal admission to the organization, Uzbekistan has the right to vote on all decisions adopted by Eurasec during its regular meetings.