"The Economic Development and Trade Ministry of Russia and the Transport Ministry of Belarus are currently holding talks on trucks that have been in use for more than five years," Sergei Sidorsky said after a meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Russia-Belarus Union State.
According to Sidorsky, Belarus, which is known for its MAZ trucks, is worried about a large influx of trucks that have been on the roads for more than five years onto the Russian market. The trucks are cleared at a relatively low price compared with Europe and sent on to Belarus, which is part of a customs union with its larger neighbor.
"Belarus has decided to limit the influx of used trucks," the premier said.
Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov said the matter was important and there was an area for joint work, adding that a government meeting on Thursday would discuss cooperation with Belarus in this sphere.
Russia currently charges import duties on trucks in use for more than seven years totaling 10% of the customs value for those that can carry 20 metric tons and 15% of the customs value for those that can carry more than 20 metric tons.