KIEV, May 29 (RIA Novosti) - Pro-presidential bloc Our Ukraine Monday condemned a resolution by Russia's lower house of parliament that could affect the Crimea, a Ukrainian region with a mostly ethnic Russian population.
On an initiative from a Liberal Democratic Party deputy, Russia's State Duma Friday instructed two of its committees to ask the government about steps being taken to return the Crimea to Russia.
A bilateral agreement under which Russia recognizes Ukraine's current borders expires in 2007. But Our Ukraine - a grouping loyal to President Viktor Yushchenko and headed by acting Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov - criticized the motion.
"Russia's supreme legislative body should not make political decisions on the basis of historic events dating back 250 years," an Our Ukraine statement said. "We are convinced that modern international relations should not be established in line with Enlightenment-era agreements... but should take into account present political realities."
The document said similar "interpretations" by some Russian politicians could provoke radical Ukrainian groups to similar steps regarding territorial claims.