Conflict Resolution Minister Giorgi Khaindrava said, however, that he was on his way to the provincial capital, Tskhinvali, to check whether all the Russian troops slated to leave as part of a biannual rotation scheme had done so.
"I must see for myself how many people are staying behind," he said.
MP David Kirkitadze said Georgia's parliament had no information as to whether all of Russia's 500 old peacekeepers had withdrawn and that it was waiting for Khaindrava to report the situation on the ground.
Kirkitadze said the Georgian public can rest assured that the national army "is ready to repel any attack on their [the Russian peacekeepers'] part and to restore order" to the Tskhinvali area. But "there is no such need at the moment," he added.
Earlier this year, Georgia's legislature adopted a resolution urging the withdrawal of all Russian peacekeepers from South Ossetia. Now it is set to call for the pullout of Russia's peacekeeping contingent from Abkhazia, another breakaway region in the former Soviet republic.