"A new program is not being drafted from a scratch. The basic principles advocated by the party at the 2003 parliamentary elections will not undergo any radical changes," Boris Gryzlov said.
Gryzlov said the country had covered the road of stabilization and now it was time for development, which was evidenced by changes in the political, economic and social spheres. He added that these changes had prompted his party to adjust its program.
Gryzlov said the party needed to choose new and effective instruments to fulfill the obligations given to its electors, adding that all discussions must be held publicly.
At the first stage of work on an election program, independent expert communities drafted proposals to the program, Gryzlov said. Now the second stage has begun, during which proposals will be discussed in regions with the participation of the public and business, Gryzlov said.
Gryzlov said the proposals dealt with economic growth, infrastructure modernization, social provision, social insurance, the preparation of a budget for strategic projects and inter-budgetary relations, the improvement of the political system and the development of democracy.
Gryzlov said some recommendations offered by expert centers would be tested during coming regional elections in fall. He said these elections would be an important trial before parliamentary elections.
"The coming electoral campaigns in regions will become a sort of a barometer for us to help us fine-tune our party program, taking into account electros' interests," Gryzlov said.