An average of 10 children die on Russia's roads each day, and between 60 and 70 are injured, Alexander Chekalin said. The number of children injured or killed in accidents in which they were not wearing seatbelts rose 10% this year, he said.
The Interior Ministry said in July that 11,500 people, including 462 children, died in accidents on Russia's roads in the first half of 2006, 7% fewer than in the same period in 2005. However, Chekalin said, the figure remained high.
"Many of the road accidents involving children, especially cyclists, are caused by a lack of basic knowledge of traffic rules," he said. Inadequate parental control and knowledge of traffic rules was to blame.
Chekalin said educational authorities recommended establishing road safety centers in all schools, and that during the first days of the school year police officers would conduct safety seminars.