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Norway to free detained Russian trawler Thursday

MURMANSK, September 20 (RIA Novosti) - A Russian fishing boat detained off the Arctic coast earlier this week will be released Thursday, Russian authorities said Wednesday.

The Norwegian coast guard seized the Perseus trawler on Sunday for alleged overfishing. The Russian Embassy in Norway said earlier Wednesday that all formal issues could be resolved on Wednesday for the boat to set sail the next day.

A spokesman for the fleet monitoring service said the trawler had received permission to leave the port of Vadso (118 miles from the Russian border) at 8 a.m. Moscow time (4 a.m. GMT).

"The trawler should reach the port of Murmansk at about noon Thursday," he said.

The trawler's captain said the Norwegian authorities had accused the Perseus crew of catching pollock above the set quotas in January to April and were seeking to impose a fine of 3 million Norwegian kroner (about $460,000).

The captain and the owner of the ship have denied the accusations and are planning to appeal.

Gennady Stepakhno, the president of the Russian Fish Producers Guild, said earlier he was surprised the accusations had been made using the trawler's log recordings up to April. He said Norwegian coast guards had inspected the vessel several times since then, but had found no irregularities until this week.

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