The Israeli troops have been conducting an operation in the Gaza Strip in the last few days to prevent Palestinian rocket fire on Israel. Dozens of people have been killed in the course of the operation.
"The quickest ceasefire, including the refusal by the Palestinian side to fire on the territory of Israel and the termination of the Israeli intrusions into Palestinian territories, can be the only way out of the situation," the press office said. "This should be the first step towards normalizing the situation and a prologue for restoring the Palestinian-Israeli dialog."
Attempts have failed to stop violence on Palestinian territories, despite the calls by the international community. The scope of this violence and the number of victims are increasing, the press office said.
"The danger of further escalation is increasing. If a new wave of Palestinian-Israeli confrontation is not stopped, the situation may get out of control and grow into large-scale clashes whose consequences will be extremely grave for Israelis, Palestinians and the region as a whole," the press office said.