Alexander Zhukov, Russia's deputy prime minister and the head of the Russian delegation, earlier said Russia was going to sign 17 agreements with China during the visit of the Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov to the fast-growing Asian country on November 9-10.
He said an agreement between Russia's electricity monopoly, Unified Energy Systems (RTS:EESR), and the Chinese State Power Corporation (CSPC) on large-scale supplies of Russian electricity to China will be one of the key documents inked in the framework of the visit.
In early 2005, Moscow agreed to more than double electricity exports to China, to 800 million kilowatt hours (kWh), by 2006. UES is also courting Chinese investment in the development and renovation of Russia's electricity system.
The source said that according to a new agreement Russia's electricity exports to China could total 60 billion kWh per year, with up to 4.3 bln kWh annually during the first stage of the electricity supply project (2008-2010).