Georgia is looking to diversify its gas imports in light of tense relations with Russia, its sole supplier, which is pressing for a doubling of the current price of $110 per 1,000 cubic meters in 2007. Georgia is currently in talks with Azerbaijan and Iran on the gas issue.
"Georgia will start receiving natural gas from the Shah-Deniz field [in Azerbaijan's part of the south Caspian] from December 15, and by the end of the year supplies will reach 10 million cu m," Minister Nika Gilauri said.
Talks on increasing Azerbaijani gas supplies to Georgia in 2007 are currently under way, he said, adding that negotiations are focusing on the distribution of part of Turkey's quota from Shah Deniz between Georgia and Azerbaijan.
Turkey had originally intended to pump 2.8 billion cu m of natural gas from the gas and condensate field, but Georgia and Azerbaijan are now hoping to raise their shares.
Georgia's natural gas demand is estimated at 1.7-1.8 billion cu m. Gilauri said his country expects to receive some 1.5 billion cu m from Shah Deniz instead of 250 million, as stipulated in the contract.
Minority shareholders in the South Caucasus Pipeline (also known as the Baku-Tblisi-Erzerum Pipeline) controlled by Norway's Statoil and British oil major BP, are oil and gas companies from Italy, Norway, Russia, France, Iran, and Turkey.