"The [Russian and U.S.] heads of state discussed the final stage in the UN Security Council's work on a draft resolution concerning Iran's nuclear program," Alexei Gromov said, but gave no further details.
The UN Security Council will vote on the draft resolution, introducing sanctions against Iran for its refusal to halt uranium enrichment, later on Saturday.
The draft, prepared by Britain, France and Germany, demands that Tehran stop all enrichment and reprocessing activities, which the West fears may eventually enable Iran to produce a nuclear bomb, and bans imports and exports of related materials and technology.
Russia, a veto-wielding Council member building for Iran an $800-million light-water reactor in Bushehr, is still in two minds about whether to support the resolution, which it sees as too harsh.
The United States, by contrast, maintains that the measures envisaged by the resolution are not tough enough.