MOSCOW, April 13 (RIA Novosti) - Russia and Mongolia will jointly prospect, produce and process uranium, the press secretary of Russia's nuclear power agency said Friday.
"[Nuclear power agency] Rosatom and Mongolia's industry and trade ministry signed a protocol on development of cooperation in the field of geological prospecting, production and processing of uranium ores," Sergei Novikov said.
Rosatom head Sergei Kiriyenko Friday held a meeting with Mongolian President Nambaryn Enkhbayar and held talks with the country's prime minister, Miegombyn Enkhbold, during which it was agreed to implement international projects in Russia and Mongolia.
A working group has been established which will submit a plan of action within three months.
In 2000, Russia and Mongolia signed an intergovernmental agreement on civilian use of nuclear power.
Mongolia has an estimated reserve of 37,000 metric tons of uranium-molybdenum ores.