MOSCOW, May 25 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's second-largest mobile phone operator VimpelCom [RTS: VIMP] said Friday its US GAAP net profit increased 84.6%, year-on-year, in 1Q07, to $277.275 million.
VimpelCom, which operates under the Beeline trademark, said its total revenue was $1.489 billion, growth by 8.95% year-on-year.
The operating income before depreciation and amortization (OIBDA) reached $766.417 million, growing by 58.8% year-on-year. The OIBDA margin remained roughly flat year-on-year, at 51.5%.
The operating profit grew 64.08%, year-on-year, to $443.956 billion.
Capex amounted to $303.5 million.
VimpelCom includes cellular phone companies that operate in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
Key shareholders are Altimo (42.4% of voting shares) and Telenor (26.6% of voting shares).