URSA Bank, established after the recent merger of the Siberia-based Sibacadembank and Urals-based Uralvneshtorgbank, said it intended to use the funds raised for trade financing.
The loan, which carries an interest rate of LIBOR plus 1.5%, was organized by ICICI Bank UK Plc and Mashreq Bank (United Arab Emirates), URSA said in a statement.
URSA Bank, which is on a list of the country's top thirty banks published by the Central Bank of Russia, had assets of around 108 billion rubles (about $4 billion) and shareholder equity of 12.5 billion rubles ($484 million) as of April 1, 2007.
The bank has branches in all major cities of the Far East, Siberia, the Urals and Volga areas, a branch in Moscow and representative offices in Almaty (Kazakhstan) and Prague (the Czech Republic).