The east African nation's agricultural output has been affected by an ongoing armed conflict between various groups for control over the capital and southern regions of the country since warring clans overthrew President Siad Barre in 1991. Famine and high inflation rates have forced the government to ask for international aid.
"The Russian government has allotted $1 million as a one-time target contribution to the UN World Food Program. These funds will be used for urgent humanitarian aid to the Somali population, which badly needs foodstuffs," the ministry said.
The aid is expected to be delivered in January 2008.
Somalia's transitional government, which was formed in 2004, is backed by the UN and has been battling with Islamist insurgents in recent years. Pirate attacks on ships have been rife off the Somalia coast, including on vessels carrying UN aid to the country.
The African Union has been carrying out peacekeeping missions in Somalia on behalf of the United Nations.