MOSCOW, April 24 (RIA Novosti) - The number of cars on Russia's roads will double by 2015 on last year's figure which will only increase congestion on Russia's overburdened roads, a transport ministry official said on Thursday.
Car use increased in 2007 by 10% to 170 vehicles per 1,000 Russians.
"And it is set to double by 2015," Alexander Misharin, a deputy transportation minister, told journalists ahead of a government meeting on the development of Russia's transport system.
The official said that although the trend reflects growing household incomes, the increase in car use by far outstrips road building.
"The growth in cars is five times higher than the increase in roads," he said.
Consequently, he concluded, congestion on Russia's overcrowded roads is set to get worse hitting 38% in 2009 and only easing slightly to 33% in 2015.