Karnail Singh, 56, a schoolteacher of Sallapur village in the state of Punjab, was gunned down on May 16. Though the case was initially seen as a blind murder, police arrested the killer gang, who murdered the elderly man, while investigating another attempted murder.
During an investigation, police came across the three Singh brothers - Amandeep and Sumandeep, who lived in Germany and a local resident Rajwinder. They allegedly organized their father's murder to prevent him from second wedding, which could damage their family reputation and lead to further division of family property.
''Karnal Singh's wife died a year and a half ago and he was keen to marry again. '' the NDTV TV channel quoted a local resident as saying. "He had discussed this with his colleagues complaining against his sons not taking proper care of him. This made his sons angry."
Rajwinder Singh was arrested along with a person who reportedly helped him get in touch with the killers and to pay killers through hawala, a criminal system of money transactions by a chain of intermediaries.