The fourth resolution of the United Nations Security Council has undermined our trust in the six," Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said on Iranian TV, adding that Tehran would continue to work with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Despite that promise, the minister said the IAEA was going beyond its responsibilities in its dealings with Iran and vowed the Islamic Republic would "continue to enrich uranium and to cooperate with the IAEA under existing international norms."
The new resolution was passed unanimously September 27 on the initiative of the so-called Iran Six - Russia, the United States, China, France, Britain and Germany. It did not include any new sanctions, but did call on Iran to fulfill its responsibilities under previous Security Council resolutions and IAEA commitments.
Iran is already under three sets of relatively mild sanctions over its nuclear program, which it insists is purely civilian but the West, led by the United States and Israel, maintains is aimed at developing nuclear weapons.