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Main news of October 5


* A police officer was killed as unidentified assailants opened fire at a police patrol vehicle in the North Caucasus Republic of Ingushetia, the local interior ministry said

* An avenue in the center of the Chechen capital was renamed in honor of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin


* Russian forces are withdrawing from the Samagrelo area in western Georgia as part of an expected pullout following the recent armed conflict between Moscow and Tbilisi over South Ossetia, Georgian television reported

* Israel is preparing a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities and will act before Tehran creates a nuclear bomb, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner told Israeli newspaper Haaretz

* The news that North Korea's leader had made his first appearance in public in nearly two months has not allayed the fears about his health, sources in Japan's foreign ministry said

* India imposed a curfew in Kashmir ahead of a pro-independence rally by separatists, local authorities said

* Kazakhstan does not intend to review its relations with Russia over Moscow's recent conflict with Georgia, Kazakh Foreign Minister Marat Tazhin said

* The U.K. authorities are considering spending up to 12 billion pounds ($21 billion) on a database to keep information on Internet intercepts, e-mail and telephone records of everyone in Britain, The Sunday Times reported

* At least 18 people were killed and another 23 injured after a truck with illegal immigrants overturned in western Turkey, local media reported

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